We presently have
over 600 names of individuals who once served with the 161st AHC, the 406th TC, or the
449th Signal Detachment. However, only about 300 of these men have been located and,
at least, have an address or phone number. The remainder are just names from company
rosters or individual military orders. The following individuals are on the most wanted list,
because several people have expressed an interest in locating them.
If anyone can provide any
information about the following men, please contact John Hastings at the phone numbers or
e-mail addresses listed at the bottom of this page.
Tommy Hall was one of the Maintenance Officers during
the late 1967 era.
We have
several points of contact for Mister Hall, but have been unsuccessful
getting a reply. We suspect he has some cognitive issues. |
Lopez was a gunner from the 1967-68 era
and a number of people have asked about him. Many recall him being from the Chicago
Spanky has indeed been found in the Chicago area. We
have contact information, but he has not responded to our inquiries. |
AUBREY JONES is from the 1967 era.
When he came to the 161st from the 101st Airborne Division, Aubrey was
on his 2nd tour of duty in Vietnam. In 1965-66, he deployed with
the 129th AHC from Fort Campbell, KY. Today, Aubrey McNeil (he
changed his last name from Jones to McNeil) in the Chicago area and
operates a successful Chauffeur/limousine service. |
Robert Mix is also from the 1967 era. In the spring of 1967, he took
a direct hit in the chest, but his chest protector saved his life. The chest
protector was displayed in the Operations Shack as a reminder to the pilots to use their
chicken plates. On
Sept 29, 1967, he was the crewchief on Pelican 836 when it was hit by an NVA mortar during
the 101st ABN shoot-em up.
In the 1968, after the unit moved
back to Ky Ha, Robert Mix and Edgar Magaha transferred to the 1st Cavalry Division. |
Kenneth Jackson was a Warrant Officer pilot, who also served as commander of the
449th Signal Detachment.
He was also known as the company 'scrounger'. Where is He?
Found to be living in Alabama and we have his contact information. |
John H. Hastings (817)
688-0635 at home
email: john.hastings.839@gmail.com |