In 1967, a 14th Battalion Tour Book was published.
These images are from the 161st AHC section

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Front Cover of the 14th Aviation Battalion Tour Book, published in 1967 Change of Command, Major Frederick Schenker, Jr. accepts 161st guidon from Major Galla Major Frederick Schenker Jr, Company Commander in 1967. 1st Sergeant Robert Oakley Major Samual Allison, Company Executive Officer Captain Donald Long, Operations Officer, came to the 16st from the 176th AHC.  On a subsequent tour of duty, then Major Long was CO of B Company (Warlords) of the 123rd Aviation Battalion. These gentlemen worked in Flight Operations, they told us where to go and when. Very professional group.  L-R: SFC Farmer, Stepp, Pittman, Ford, Rice.  Kneeling: Seidel. Warrant Officer Jimmy Brown from the Operations Shack. CWO Tommy Hall, one of our maintenance test pilots... a good guy. SFC J. Sutton of the 406th TC SSGT Luther Spain from the 161st Service Platoon. Captain Thomas (T.T.) Oliver, 1st Flight Platoon commander.  Captain Oliver was killed in action in February 1968 near LZ West
If anyone can identify anyone in these images, please send them to me (John Hastings) referencing this gallery and the image number, which is found below each enlarged image.

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