[TOC] [Origin] [History] [Remembrance] [Taps] [Reunion] [Stories] [Pictures] [Guestbook] [Links] Judging from the VHCMA pre-registrations, I thought we might have a small turnout for our 2007 reunion in Orlando, Florida. Some of the 'regular' attendees would not be able to attend; then I spoke to some of you who had not yet registered, but indicated you would be attending. I was pleasantly pleased with the number of walk-ins who showed up. Overall, we had a good turn out, of over 20 former members, spouses, family and friends. Would you like to share
your thoughts about the reunion? Send
them to me
I’ll post it on the website. I really hope everyone uses
the website to stay in touch. Any
time you have any news send it my way. I
know all of your buddies would love to hear the news. And remember if you have a change of address or a new e-mail
address please let me know. I would also like to
encourage everyone to help with the missing former members. We still have a pretty large list of over 700 individuals
(only about half of these with a mailing address) who once served in the 161st. Well,
if you made it to the reunion, please tell all your friends what they missed!
We had a wonderful time and I would like to thank everyone for coming out and
making it a great event. I hope everyone had a great time. Please
keep in touch through the web site and keep us all up-to-date on where you are
and how you are doing.
Thanks again for coming and hope to see you at the next reunion.
VHCMA Internet
website at:
www.vhcma.org VHPA Internet
website at:
John H.
Hastings (817) 291-6469 at home or (817) 252-8269 at work. |