Images from the 2008 VHCMA and 161st AHC Reunion in St. Louis

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(107) Group PIcture:  Front: Don Smith, Hartson Gleason, Craig Chandler, Larry Kenney, Steve Hallmark.  Back: Pil Crouse, Bob Waldner, John Hastings, Bill Lucus, Pete Christy. (047) Don Smith (069) Hartson Gleason and Phil Crouse looking over some the picture albums (061) Interior of the Crown Plaza Hotel in St. Louis (052) VHCMA Merchandise Room (046) Hartson Gleason (079) No, it's not a poker game... we just finished a meeting regarding the 161AHC finances.  Standing:  Don Smith, Steve Hallmark, Larry Kenny, Pete Christy, James Price, Craig Chandler, Phil Crouse and Hartson Gleason.  Seated: John Hastings. (056) Steve Hallmark and Larry Kenny (091) Ellen and Hartson Gleason (092) Don and Jean Smith (093) Phil Crouse (096) VHCMA Dinner on Saturday... over 500 people attended the VHCMA Reunion

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